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Draplin Design Co., North America
April 25, 2009
Light Blue And Red Forever!
Posted at 06:18 PM


We watched Nacho Libre with Ewan today, and laughed our behinds right off. Man, I love that movie. Jack Black is so incredibly good in it.

The colors of the film are the best part. The way the blue and red complement the landscape is just fucking brilliant. I love how the whole film is curated that way, much like a Wes Anderson deal.

That part where he’s trying to swoon the nun, and bends down to his knee just might be the funniest/grossment human movement in cinematic history. I crack up just thinking about it.

Great type, great titles and funny as hell. Plus, “youngster friendly” is good for Ewan. Much like a Napoleon Dynamite kinda thing. “Good, clean fun.”

Those Hess brothers are on to something. Thank you.

- - - -

JUST BECAUSE: Here’s a mini Nacho.

There is One Comment

Their movies are still suh-weet, but The “Hess Brothers” are actually The “Hess Married Couple.”

(good clean humor = written by Mormons.)

Posted by: Chris on 04/28/09 at 7:59 AM
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