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Draplin Design Co., North America


Sorry to be getting behind on all this stuff. Just too busy back home here, with all sorts of ups and downs.

First off, I’m busy as shit with business. But that’s the easy part.

Second, my dad had a little accident a week ago that took a weird turn that involved a couple nights in Munson Hospital here in Traverse City. So that’s where I am for a couple days, hanging at my dad’s side while he gets healed up and back on his ugly-ass feet.

For the record, I am gigantically freaked out in hospitals, but I am down with my dad, so, you know…gotta do what you gotta do.

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TAKE A WALK IN NEW YORK, AND DON’T FORGET TO LOOK UP: 14th Street to 42nd Street. (Sent in by by Mark from NYC. Thanks, man. Got get a hot dog on the corner, and bill me. You bet.)

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ANOTHER OBAMA MOMENT: I had another moment today that went something like this, “Wow, Obama could take this thing.” The world is changing, and man, I’m so excited to have someone to believe in. This thing could happen!

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A STAMP THAT LIGHTS UP: Marka Ukrainy, and a hit of UV light to get things cooking. (Thanks, Ben-O!)

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