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Draplin Design Co., North America
July 24, 2008
Freaking Out And Fallout
Posted at 11:04 AM

Oh man, Getting excited as hell. That’s all I can say. Counting down the hours at this point.

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BUZZ-SCHMUZZ: So there’s been some chatter out there about the expletive-filled “Draplin Thing” teaser that Jess put up yesterday. All kinds of chatter. Lots of support and even one guy who called me an, “Effin’ Blowhard,” which, I have to agree with. I mean, 99% of this site is hot air, folks, so, you know, let’s keep it all in perspective.

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AND MY PECULIAR DAY IN SEDALIA, A LITTLE OVER A YEAR AGO: “The Arrows of Sedalia” from the DDC Archives.

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BLOWHARD? EVEN BETTER: The Vintage Saxophone gallery. The opening page has an amazing collection of insignias. So good. You have to go way deep to see the instruments, but, the opening page was still enough to get me fired up.

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FOR DALE AND MARK: Vintage Marantz stereo equipment in a little movie. Turn it up, Dale and Mark.

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SOME PROOF: Yeah, so I talk about being busy all the time, and don’t really show enough of what I’ve been working on. That’s about to change, but we’ll discuss that one at a later date. For now, here’s some a set of board graphics I collaborated with Brandon and Fank at Ride on. Check ‘em out: The 08/09 Ride Antic.

I’ll forever be proud of the idea of some rider walking into a store and buying a board with my work on it. I mean, it all goes back to my early days on the hill, and the excitement of buying a board, and riding every day with my friends, and how great it all was. I miss those old days.

They put a nice little bio up for me too. Way proud.

Many, many thanks to Fank, Brandon and Mave at continually Ride for believing in the DDC.

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FROM CAM, ON THE EAST COAST: The perfect accent to any well-landscaped domicile.

There is One Comment

That sounds awesome adventure. When you are done and still have a need for more treasure hunting, you should try using my garage sale app gsalr.com.

Posted by: Marshall on 07/27/08 at 12:38 PM
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