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Draplin Design Co., North America


It’s Monday and we are ready for the fight. Lovejoy’s scanning in memo books. Gary’s sunning himself in the backyard under the watchful eye of Leigh. This is how it goes.

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DAYWRECKER WARNING: 58 pages of scary-ass, old medical and surgical tools. Ouch. “Horrific,” even. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood in some dusty Civil War museum, marveling at the brutality of the times, and what those men had to endure. A bunch of hard-ass bastards, I’ll tell you that much.

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KEEP YER COOL: Beautiful, old coolers. A bunch of ‘em.

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EDGE LOVERS UNITE: And do it in one of these! So good.

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UP NORTH, IN CANADA: Cool, old Miner’s Boots on the Canadian Design Resource, eh!

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