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Draplin Design Co., North America
June 12, 2008
Busy x Lots x Dachshund
Posted at 04:07 PM


NOW WE’RE TALKING: Mark Simonson back there in Minnesota gives us yet another reason to keep on going with the release of his “Metallophile SP 8” font. “The characteristic warmth of hot metal machine-set type type in a digital font. We’ll be on hold until the Medium weight is ready, and then we will make a purchase. “Warmth” is right. Excellent.

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HERE WE GO: Plastic Kits from the ’50s and ’60s. And be sure to take a whirl in their Emphemera section, too. Lots of good stuff in there. Stuff like this. From 1955. So good.

JUST WHEN I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER: Their “Friend or Foe” Museum is remarkable. Images like this just about make me insane. Everything is good there, all of it. Phew.

Models, people, models. What a world.

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SAFETY ORANGE IS THE WAY TO GO: Charles Robinson comes in with a couple links to “no-roll skin markers” and “instrument drapes.” All orange. All safe. Good stuff.

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PARTY PEOPLE: Some snaps from the Cinco shindig came in, and we through we share them with you, you know, to prove we went and all that: JamesSoliDraplinNakamotoMotorFinger.

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