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Draplin Design Co., North America
June 05, 2008
Dice Rollers
Posted at 04:49 PM


We don’t do Sprite, but did dig this old Sprite two-color illustration. Mastery. When we partake in a cold soda, we grab for a cold Coke. There’s just nothing like a cold Coke. And that’s that.

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GOOD LUCK, LITTLE BUDDY: Forgash rolls the dice on Craigslist. Any takers?

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WAY TO GO, PETE: A great use for thos old wooden processed cheese boxes of yesteryear. Read about them here.

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About time one of these network redesigns did something good for themselves. Bravo. We dig.

There is One Comment

I want to thank you for posting this info it has been very helpful to me, we were using the craigslist auto flagger over at www.bottiny.com we found it very useful for flagging our competion and the best part it was free.

Posted by: Hipolito M. Wiseman on 01/16/14 at 3:01 PM
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