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Draplin Design Co., North America
April 19, 2008
Record Scavengers
Posted at 06:39 PM


Going junking today with Dale. Take it or leave it. Mark’s down in Veg-ass sunning himself at a wedding, so, you know, we’re a “man down” but still should be able to lay waste.

Get a little better look at the old 45 Dale found, early this morning.

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Get a couple downloads of Midwestern-Blooded Ben Pieratt. Hey Ben, you forgot “Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin in yer bonafide Midwestern states piece, man. C’mon!

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Really, really nice book covers of the classics.

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Bart Kline, Pride of Boise, comes in with a striking likeness of a Dachshund named, “Lilly” by his little friend Savannah. Atta girl. Way to go. Gary winks at you!

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Something the D, P & D Record Rescue Club was “doing logistics” on. So close men, so close.

There is One Comment

I’m told that Pieratt kid is as handsome as he is ambidextrous.

Posted by: Not Ben on 04/21/08 at 11:30 AM
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