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Draplin Design Co., North America


Ben’s on my case to join, and, man, I think that’s exactly what I going to do. Thanks, man.

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Going home tomorrow, and real happy about that.

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A great year for stamps: 1969.

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Something we love: The 9rules logo.

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Another couple things we love: Mom and dad.

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Wire and Twine’s new line of heartfelt t-shirts. A great contribution to a weird world that has some catching up to do. Bravo, fellas.

And yes, the DDC is completely “Bear Friendly” and proud of it. That goes for Lovejoy too.

Hey world, get with it!

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That little art rat Pinski goes dumpster diving and comes up with this beauty.

There is One Comment

Is bear friendly some kind of reference to the American Grizzly? If so, I am glad that Dave England had some kind of influence on your life.

Posted by: Mark on 06/12/07 at 3:35 PM
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