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Draplin Design Co., North America



Sent off a mountain of the stuff the last couple days. Making much progress.

Gearing up for a busy-ass summer out in the West. Planning up the roadtrip west coming in about a week. Gotta pick up the sign stuff in Sedalia, Missouri, then hammer across Kansas into Colorado, across Colorado into Utah, across Utah into Nevada, and then, cobble together some sort of Richmond Fontaine tour across Northern Nevada, trying my luck at the Westward Ho, being near-death in Winnemucca, getting a room at the Wagonwheel Motel in Wells, taking Exit 194b, getting beat down in McDermitt on the Oregon border, and all that.

Been listening to those tunes for over a decade, and haven’t done that stretch since my parents dragged us from Traverse City to San Francisco, in August, in a cramped mini van.

Roadside signs from Wendover to Wells. Tons of road photos here, you lot lizards.

Out of Nevada we’ll head into the quiet nothingness of Southeastern Oregon, cutting up and across the state diagonally, on up to Portland. Our goal. Our dilemna.

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Still wondering about this one.

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Got a bit of an itch to get back home for the rest of spring into summer.

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Get out there, Oregonians: Oregon Roadside.

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The awesome Kellie Talbot sent us a pic of a painting titled, “Number Nine.”, inspired by our amazing afternoon at the Sign Graveyard in Las Vegas back in late January. Way to go, lady. So good.

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