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Draplin Design Co., North America
July 12, 2006
Posted at 06:03 PM


Justin Braehm sent this one over: Espacios Publicitarios

01. Absolutely stunning.
02. Infect me.
03. Our hearts, beating as one.

This link stopped me in my tracks completely. All hope was lost concerning the day’s momentum on the multitude of projects currently being chipped away at. Suddenly, the lavish color made sense. The lines blew my little mind. Great, great stuff. Thanks, Justin.

- - - -

I wrapped up the final project around 9pm. Cleaned up the joint some, hit the Safeway for some groceries, cobbled together a supper and called it night.

Winded down with a viewing of The World’s Fast Indian, starting pretty late.

Very well done, with great language and color and cinematography.

All that Kiwi talk made me want to go back to New Zealand. Spent 12 long days there in the summer of 2000. Very, very beautiful. Burt Munro was from Invercargill. Mark and I made it down there, too. All the way at the bottom of the Island, pretty much. If I remember correctly, we rolled into town on a Saturday morning, and that night, the forlorned town (the local economy was on the skids due to a lamb packing plant shutting down or something) was enjoying a big night out, as Air Supply was in town for the night.

Well, I remember reading their little local paper that next Sunday morning, about how the attendance numbers for the big show were a paltry 30 Percent of what the promoters expected. Ouch.

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