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Draplin Design Co., North America


I filled the last couple days completely up with projects. No other way to get through these beast than just plain ol’ “look them in the eye and get to work on ‘em.” And that’s that. Let’s just say this much, you ne’er-do-wells, “We do more on Monday and Tuesday than you do all month.”

Facts are stubborn things. We’re making a list, goddammit.

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To spruce up all the merch going out, we got a number of packaging stamps produced: Thwack.

So, order some stuff up and you’ll see these bad boys in action.

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Pretty much can’t wait for this.

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HunterGatherer. Ordered up their new book. Smart stuff.

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Sent off the first ad of the 2006/2007 Coal campaign. Very, very proud of all involved.

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Sent the Digi Elph SD450 in today, in hopes of a smooth, painless “warranty coverage” repair. Hard to say how the pixels will burnout on this one. Hopefully, the cost will be fair, and then I’ll get to sellin’ that little contraption on Craigslist or something.

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Jay Floyd finally brought my fuckin’ ShopVac back. Only took the scalliwag four years.

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Have been “icon crazy” the last couple days. Real proud. As soon as I can show them to all y’all, I will.

There is One Comment

shiiiit, more on monday and tuesday……….
let’s see. i’ve showered twice, got dressed, shaved, vaccumed, cut the grass, worked 20 hours physical labor, did the dishes….. a list eh. come back to earth now buddy.

Posted by: frank zuccini on 06/14/06 at 6:04 PM
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