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Last night after Whit fell asleep (due to her early morning waking of 6am to get back to Sherwood) I curled up with a late-night living room screening of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

First of all, I will forever be battling a “Bad Case of the Kate Winsletts,” so that factored into my curiosity to see this movie.

Second of all, I read some good reviews about Jim Carrey’s performance. Aside from all the face contortions and schticky roles he is so accustomed to, I’ll give the guy a chance over and over again. I even sat through, “The Majestic.” All of it. Kind of liked it too, I have to admit.

Plus, Charlie Kaufman scripts are good.

And, I love Michel Gondry oddness/brilliance.

I was pleasantly surprised, and touched. The concept of forgetting a past love is something that we have all dabbled in, or wrestled, or cherished. I’ve got my own battles.

The chaotic timing and bending of the movie’s plot made a me a little seasick at times, but hey, no complaints cuz it kept me on my toes. It was the movie’s quiet moments, of them together, the “good memories” he refused to let go, that touched me.

I remember when this one came out, at a particularly rough time in my little life involving girlstuff and a close friend cautioned, “Uh, you might not want to see this one right now.” So I passed on it.

But last night, watching it unfold made me feel good about the good times, and made it easier to let go of the bad times. And so it goes.

There Are 2 Comments

yes, charlie kaufman is refreshingly original. if your looking for another odd movie, check out an older film he wrote called “human nature”. good stuff.

Posted by: Scott Steele on 02/03/05 at 2:02 PM

It’s even better after you watch it for the second time.
You catch more things.
For instance, when I first saw the scene that took place in Barnes and Noble, I thought it was pretty good.
But when I went back and watched the movie again, I noticed little things, like the names of the book sections disappearing from their signs.
Definitly a good movie.

Posted by: Burning Flag on 02/10/05 at 3:44 PM