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Draplin Design Co., North America
Merch "Proud Customer" Gallery

Cool and collected brother Nazarin Hamid, Chicago, Ill., in the “DDC Foam Trucker” (discontinued) and the DDC “Anvil Strength Torso Cover.”

A “very beardy” Billy Fowks, Brooklyn, NY, in the a DDC “Anvil Strength Torso Cover.”

A revved-up Paul Brown, Southern California, in the a DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap”

Completely pickled on cheap Chinese beer, brothers Styk and Fank, Seattle, Wash., in a well-worn DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap”

A road-worn, weary Ryno in a “Black Death” DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap”. Not to be fucked with.

A “peaced-out” Chad Waller in a classic 1998 “DDC Anvil T-shirt” somewhere on location in Northern Michigan. Photo by: Derek Denoyer.

Christian Didrichsen comes in a little sorta Hobbit-ish, along the lines of good, strong, loyal Sam Ganges, Middle Earthin’ in a “Carhartt-flavored” DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap”. One of the last good things in Southern California, this kid is.

A profane, un-called-for Bryan “Whitebread” Haker in a classic 2003 “DDC Pertinent Information” T-shirt, deep in the heart of the MInneapolis urban landscape.

A “mountain-air’d” Mike Kirkpatrick hikes up and above the Anchorage expanses in his DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap.” Little Harper catches a ride.

An “extra-balled” Ryan Coulter, Portland, Ore., give thanks to the Gods of All Things Pinball in a DDC “Anvil Strength Torso Cover” in Las Vegas, in the “dealer wins” heat.

An biomolecularly-protein’d Harry Brumer, Stockholm, Swed., takes no prisoners on a stretch of coping in a well-fitting, very orange DDC “Anvil Strength Torso Cover”. Harry’s still got it, man. So good.

A stoic, proud Finlay Wallace hangs it all out in a DDC “Anvil Strength Torso Cover”, DDC “Factory Floor Issue Trucker Cap.” and keeps shit lined up with a DDC “Field Notes Brand Six Inch Ruler.” Not to be fucked with. Got it? You better be clear on that one.

There Are 5 Comments

fank was representing in China.. member the shot i sent you?

Posted by: styk on 06/13/06 at 9:54 AM


Thank you very much for the merch. Annabella and I have been proudly showcasing the DDC’s love of the arts.



Posted by: Andrew R. Jenkins on 08/02/06 at 12:49 PM

Mike Kirkpatrick. I went to school with that kid in Montana. How’d he get on here?

Posted by: Jer on 08/18/06 at 12:37 PM

Where’s the merch love for the ladies?
No female sizes to proudly plaster amongst our blessed (some of us more than others) torsos?
Help a sister out..or just a cousin.

Posted by: Chrisitne Steele on 08/29/06 at 4:17 AM

yeah, I second that about some duds for the chicks, Aaron.
Your momma raised you better than that, my friend. I won’t even get into it about the need for styly maternity tees…

Posted by: Natalie on 11/04/06 at 11:14 AM
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