Stuff For Sale
DDC-161 "Wild Wyoming" Poster
Product Description:
I’ve driven across Wyoming pretty much every way you can. Across the top. Across the bottom. From Yellowstone down to Thermopolis to Rawlins to Laramie to Cheyenne. Wide, open spaces. Some of the loneliest stretches I’ve experienced in America. And then you get to those Tetons and the world explodes. Those peaks touch the sky. Yellowstone and that northwest corner have always been the payoff after a long day driving west. Lots of memories in Jackson Hole, Yellowstone and Cody.
But shit, then again, driving east, Devil’s Tower was the payoff making it up over the Bighorn mountains. Or the time Leigh and I were driving I-80, through the burliest snow storm, ever. Big rigs rolled over, cars whizzing off into the medians. Big fun. The poor girl was terrified. Finally, they shut the interstate down and we railroaded into some little town for the night. Wild, like The West. Wild, like Wyoming. Good, strong, proud Wyomingites have been on my case for years to make a Wyoming poster. One of my many shortcomings. But in keeping with our policy of “making a poster for places we get to speak at”, well, let’s just say, uh, Wyoming hasn’t called just yet. There’s been some threats, but nothing has solidified. We waited, and waited. No dice. So we just went and made one. I’ve always loved Wyoming, so this poster’s been eating at me. Hope you guys dig it, and can’t wait for that next time I get to adventure around Wyoming! Product Details:
01. Printed on thick, durable, French Pop-Tone “Lemon Drop” 100# cover stock!02. Four colors! Inspired by our missions wandering in Wyoming! 03. 18” x 24” in dimension. 04. Proudly printed by the bar-b-q lickers over at Vahalla Studios! 05. Get in a little closer right here: Click this link for some detail. 06. Does the job for that Yellowstone lodge break room, Jackson Hole gondola, Moorcrfot hunting shack, Cheyenne dorm room, Thermopolis sulphur pit, Rawlins prison cell, Grey Bull mud hut, Laramie lean-to and Cody Nite Rodeo concession stand wall. 07. Dedicated to shreds Travis, Willie, Landvik and Iguchi. 08. Hand-numbered, using our patented freehand technique. 09. Insanely limited edition! 10. Free 3” x 24” burly kraft poster tube with each order! Reusable. 11. Two free white plastic end puck thingies. Ordering Details:
$30.00 - Shipping Included!!! (U.S.A.)The Fine Print:
For customers using PayPal, click the link above they’ll take it from there. For customers who aren’t using PayPal, send us an email to “orders(at)” and we’ll get back to you with an address to ship the funds to. We accept money orders and cold hard cash, so, get with it, man! All orders are shipped out as fast as we can. Usually a couple days after the order comes in. We ship everything USPS “First Class” rates. If you want quicker shipping, contact us and we can ramp it up to USPS Priority, or whatever you need. We aim to please!
International Orders:
We cover the shipping in the states, but charge the basics for international orders. Before you place the order through our PayPal account, send us an email to “orders(at)” and we’ll get you a shipping quote for the goods you are interested in. As simple as that! Thanks!
©2016 DDC Dry Goods Div., Merch Dept., Portland, Ore. |